I'd like to introduce myself. I am a female in their late twenties living in Deptford in South East London. I think the world probably needs to know more about Deptford. Coming home from work in the past month I have read over three articles in the free London papers about the place so I imagine it is now becoming up and coming. Anyway the reasons I like Deptford are not just because it was in Vogue's latest "don't miss list". In fact I was not terribly impressed with "The Deptford Project" cafe that was featured (see pic above, looks like it could be abroad there). The first menu they produced had about twenty spelling and grammar errors on it. I think they spelt scrambled, tomatoes and veggie in three different ways (all three words obviously). I ate there so that I could sample the veggi breakfast featuring tomatos and scrambeld eggs and it wasn't that great, however the idea of a train carriage is a fun one and the decking terrace is a lovely way to spend time in the sun. I'm sure the food will improve.
Having Goldsmiths (Princess Beatrice has just registered to do a degree in History there, bit of a strange choice) down the road means that the area is very arty and there are galleries all over the place and many pubs and bars display work by local talented artists. The market is thriving and sells anything from secondhand dysons to potted herbs. I think Deptford High Street is the only place I know that has a shop that sells fish and phones. I'll have a new nokia handset with my pound of prawns please.
Deptford is full of wonder for me. Yes parts of it smell and it is in South East London but I have a feeling there are many more great things in store for this place and I will endeavour to share my knowledge as a resident with you. Do you know Deptford too?